Three Ways To Give


Thank you for your partnership in ministry with us. We're so grateful for the financial gifts given to allow us to continue the work of accomplishing God's mission and vision for our church. Please know that your generous giving is making a difference for the glory of God at our church.


Sign Up, Login, and Start Giving

  • Once your account has been approved, log-in to your secure online giving form
  • Select reoccurring or one-time donation. Our service provider will process your donation
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In Person Giving

Place your gift in a giving box

  • Our giving boxes are located at each exit of the auditorium

Mail In Giving

Send your gift to:

Bella Vista Baptist Church

2800 Louisiana Boulevard NE

Albuquerque, NM 87110


You can designate a one-time or recurring donation in any combination of the following categories:

Tithe (General Fund):  Supports the daily operating expenses of Bella Vista Baptist Church.

Missions: Supports the spreading of the Gospel throughout the world by investing in the missionary works supported by Bella Vista Baptist Church.

Building Fund: Funds the ongoing development of Bella Vista Baptist Church.

HOPE: Supports our Friday night addiction recovery program

Bus Ministry: Supports a ministry that is dedicated to picking up who are less fortunate and providing them an opportunity to hear the Gospel message.

CHA Scholarship Fund: Provides for students in need to receive a quality education at Christian Heritage Academy.

Bella Vista Baptist Church Camp: Funds the ongoing development of the camp buildings and other expenses.

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